Homeowners Insurance News of Florida

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Florida Home Insurance News

AUGUST 20, 2024

AUG 20, 2024

Recently, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, approved nine private insurers to take over policies from Citizens Property, the state insurer of last resort. Local experts say the taking over of policies by private insurer is a sign that the states

AUG 15, 2024

Recently, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (FOIR), met to discuss raising the rates charged by Citizens' Property for homeowners insurance. Citizens, which is both the insurer of last resort and the largest insurer in the state already raised ra

AUG 13, 2024

Hurricane Debby has caused significant damage across Florida, leaving many homeowners in urgent need of financial and material assistance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides essential support for disaster survivors, including grants f