Florida Homeowners Insurance News

From FloridaHomeInsurance.com

Florida Home Insurance News

August 7, 2024

AUG 07, 2024

Florida residents are still paying some of the highest homeowner insurance rates in the country and prices keep going up, resulting in some homeowners dropping coverage altogether and risking financial ruin if their home is damaged or destroyed. Unfortuna

JUL 05, 2024

Lightning related insurance claims have been climbing in recent years. In 2023, there are over 70,000 lightning claims and insurers paid out over $1.2bn in insurance claims that were related to lightning according to the Insurance Information Institute (T


Homeowners in Texas are feeling the squeeze as homeowner insurance rates continue to climb. In a recent NBC 5 Investigates article, they looked at just how dramatic recent rate increases have been across Texas. Melinda Clifton has seen destructive weather cause hail damage to her roof three times in the last twenty years according to […]

As more and more insurance companies stop writing policies in certain markets or cancel existing policyholders they find too big of a risk, homeowners are finding their policies cancelled or non renewed. While a cancelled policy is a shock, it doesn’t mean you need to panic.  Following is a brief overview of what to do […]

As insurance rates rise at unprecedented rates, homeowners are cutting back on groceries, travel, dining out, and even medication to afford the cost of their insurance premiums. In even more shocking news, 1 in 10 homeowners are even consider moving to an area with lower premiums, according to a recent survey by Claimguide. According to […]

Florida has it all, constant sunshine, beaches,plenty of restaurants and entertainment. It also has some of the highest homeowner insurance premiums in the country. According to Value Penguin, the Sunshine State has the 14th most expensive homeowner insurance rates in the country with the average premium coming in at $1,727. While insurance premiums are high all […]

While windstorm insurance is not required in Texas, it is often a necessity if you live near the coast. In certain areas there is a good chance that your mortgage lender will require that you carry a windstorm policy. A windstorm policy will cover damage that is done by wind or hail. These are the […]